“To grow in our relationship with the Lord, we must refuse whatever keeps us from him. Scripture calls us to give up everything that does not lead to God (“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age..” -Titus 2:11-12)”
-Denison Forum
And a good morning to you! How to begin? This is a good way. Just getting up early helps. Even if I don’t do anything other than have some alone time with myself and pray for a bit, it’s usually a better day. This above struck me as I need to keep hearing it. The Bible has much to say about the way we think, act, and speak. It is clear about what comes out of us being a reflection of what goes into us. Today is a new day. Today IS a new day. The sun has set and gone around the world and has begun its ascension this morning, once again. I have slept and woken up, venturing out to see what is in store for me. And so, today I have the opportunity to deny myself that which is not good for me. I have the opportunity to do that which IS good for me. I feel the need to seek Him and the need to serve Him. I have choices today. I tell my boys that they can make good choices, which lead to rewards, successes, and good and joyful results or feelings; Or they can make bad choices, which lead to consequences, punishment, and bad results or feelings. It’s really very simple. We must learn to use self control and strive for things that are good for ourselves, helpful to others, and glorifying to God. Everything else leads to a self sufficiency and pride that has not a very good result. Look around. Do some research on folks you admire. See what you can find out about them. I have a feeling that the ones who seem to have fulfilling lives are either living their lives for others as Christ has shown, or they are living their lives for others because they feel it’s the right way to live. He works in and thru us all. It’s just that when you know He’s there, you get to watch Him work. And the thrill of seeing an artist paint masterpieces right before your eyes, every day, in everyone you meet, well, that’s simply divine. What a deal!!?!
Thank you Father for all You are in my life. I pray that I give myself fully to you today. I pray that I let go of that which is not pleasing to You in favor of something that brings a little light to a dark and broken world. But how glorious is that light when it’s found by those who so desperately need it? Praise You Father. Praise You and bless Your name. Thank you. Amen.