Good morning!
I woke a little late today but with my heart set on God and what He has planned for me. Grateful to have woken up at all and to be relatively healthy, having a family around me, to not be in prison, to be alert in the mind, and to be aware of something greater than myself at work in my life, I ventured out of the bedroom to begin the day. The thought that kept coming to my mind was “Have a servant’s heart.” Then I began thinking about what it says in the Bible about that. Where is it spelled out and why is it so important, especially around the holidays? So, I googled it. Lol. That’s not something our ancestors could do and that draws me to a whole other thought. But let’s not go all ADD right now. Here are a few scriptures about having a servant’s heart:
“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
-Mark 10:45
“The greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
-Matthew 23:11-12
“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
-Acts 20:35
Most of them are from the New Testament, which makes sense to me. Christ came to show us the right way to live. We didn’t do so well before Him and honestly, we are still a mess. But the thing missing was the Holy Spirit and His influence over us in working thru us to accomplish beautiful and holy things. We accomplish Christ-likeness when we submit ourselves to God and begin serving others with an unselfish heart. Strictly to serve. Not to be seen or receive notoriety. A servant’s heart is a great place to begin each day. It puts us in a position to receive God’s direction and His grace. By humbling ourselves and considering ourselves less than others, we allow God to get to work Thru us. It’s a real thing. I see it every time I choose Him first and make myself a servant. Point the finger to God and give Him the glory and He will shower you with gifts you couldn’t fathom. And your spirit learns to see the beauty in who God is, allowing the Holy Spirit to move thru you in how you speak, how you act, and what I consider to be the most important one, how you think. So, God, Thru Christ’s resurrection, and supplied by and thru the Holy Spirit, is working all things for your and my good, changing the evil in our hearts to light and love, humbly serving others in love.
If we were meant for anything at all, it seems pretty clear to me, that whatever it is, we are to learn humility and love in life before we can achieve anything worth achieving. This Christmas is a time to remember the greatest servant of all time. Jesus came to serve us all. And I for one, am grateful that He did. I’m grateful to know His ways above my own. I thankful that there IS a better way and that I can access it every moment. Now THAT, is a miracle and something worth celebrating.
Peace, Love, Joy, and Faith be with you one and all. Now go get you some of this day!!!