
Morrow Motivation 1/10/17

by | Jan 10, 2017

“The boat will not sink, and the storm will not last forever!”

-Ray Stedman paraphrasing a story in Matthew from the Bible. If we have faith, we will know in times of trouble that we are already secure and need not lose our faith. The boat that will not sink is the boat Jesus was in with His disciples. The storm raging around them was under His authority. The disciples didn’t need to wake Jesus from His sleep. If they had faith, they would have known that “the boat will not sink, and the storm will not last forever.” I think that a good practice is to be still in this moment and focus on what God has for you right now. Be available and be of love to those around you. Humble yourself and pray. Let Him lead you in THIS moment. Have faith and walk slowly. Whatever is happening that may be unpleasant or downright just sucks as*, will not last forever. And if you are trusting in Jesus, God, and The Holy Spirit, then you have a “boat” that will not and cannot sink. If He is for you, then who can be against you? The answer is nobody and nothing. There is no greater love for you than God’s. Rest in that today. It is a free and abundantly, exceedingly, recklessly, and gracious love! What more could we ask for?








